You don’t need to be nervous about getting dental implants

When people lose their teeth they often worry about what they are going to do when it comes to replacing them. Some people panic that they will not be able to restore a single tooth, whilst other people are tired of not being able to chew properly with their dentures. At Warrendale Dental we have the solution, whether you are missing one tooth or all of them. We understand that getting dental implants Herefordshire can be nerve-racking too, which is why we do whatever we can to make you feel at ease from the moment you walk into our

A simple way to become satisfied with your smile

Getting dental implants Herefordshire may sound like it could be complicated, but at Warrendale Dental we pride ourselves on making your treatment as straightforward as possible. The treatment itself consists of tiny metal screws being inserted into your jawbone to stimulate it and act as the roots of your missing teeth. These screws will prevent your jawbone from disintegrating over time, as well as supporting your brand new teeth. Whether you are missing one tooth or all of them it does not matter, as different appliances can be connected to your screws to complete your smile. Crowns are used for single missing teeth whilst bridges and dentures are used to replace more teeth or all of them. This is something that your dental practitioner will have discussed with you at your consultation appointment, as well as how many screws you will need to successfully support your new teeth. To support a crown one screw is required, but you will not necessarily need one screw per tooth if you are having multiple teeth replaced. Your new teeth are designed to look and feel exactly like your original ones, meaning that people may not even notice that you have undergone treatment. You can relax as you enjoy chewing with confidence again, as well as beaming a big smile for photographs with friends or family.

Conscious sedation is available for nervous patients

A lot of people feel nervous about getting dental implants Herefordshire. However, at Warrendale Dental we will do whatever we can to put you at ease throughout your appointments. You will have the procedure explained in full to you and be given a chance to answer any questions that may be worrying you. This particular treatment has been described as similar to when people get fillings, however there are considerably less nerves in your jawbone than your tooth, meaning that fillings are likely to cause you more immediate discomfort than this treatment does. For some people we know that getting into the dentist chair can cause extreme anxiety, and whilst we always use local anaesthetic during treatment there are alternative options for those who feel like they need a little extra relaxation. Conscious sedation is available in either pill or injection form and will make you feel completely relaxed. You will still be conscious during your treatment, but you are unlikely to remember it afterwards and will need someone to accompany you to our practice, so they are able to take you home after your procedure.