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Denplan Essentials

Save money with Denplan Essentials at Warrendale Dental Care

We know from experience that dental payment plans promote regular attendance. By visiting us at the recommended intervals, we can help reduce the need for treatment in the future, as well as the worry of getting a large bill for treatment that you weren't expecting.

To help you spread the cost of your dental healthcare, we are pleased to offer the Denplan Essentials dental payment plan.

*Discount provided on routine, restorative treatment such as fillings, extractions or root canal therapy

**Annual cost based on 2 examinations, 1 small x-ray and 2 hygiene appointments per year

In addition, discounts of up to 15% on monthly fees are available for family groups when one Direct Debit covers more than one member.

Denplan includes built-in Supplementary Insurance as part of Denplan Essentials, a worldwide dental injury and dental emergency cover supported by a 24-Hour Dental Emergency Helpline (terms and conditions apply).

Warrendale Dental Care Warrendale Dental Care

Contact Info

Warrendale Dental Care

Chase Road, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5JQ
Call today :
01989 562052

Email Us:
[email protected]

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30am - 18:00pm
Tuesday 08:30am - 19:00pm
Wednesday 08:30am - 17:30pm
Thursday 08:30am - 18:00pm
Friday 08:00am - 16:30pm