How to transform the smile


Here at Warrendale Dental, we appreciate the importance of having a great smile and provide lots of choice when it comes to helping our patients achieve that. If a person’s teeth are not looking their best, then they can find their confidence dipping. This can have effects on many areas of their life including personal relationships and the career.

This is a guide to some of the options available to help prevent such issues from occurring and help a person to feel that they are looking their best. These options include dental implants in Herefordshire, Invisalign and teeth whitening.

Dental implants

Dental implants in Herefordshire are the ultimate modern solution to tooth loss. Whether the patient has lost just one or two teeth or needs most of them replaced, they usually find themselves feeling self-conscious about the way they look. This feeling can be very prohibitive when it comes to living a full and happy life.

Dental implants in Herefordshire can restore the patient’s confidence and are a solution that can last for many years, if not a lifetime. They are replacements for the roots of the teeth and provide a solid foundation for natural looking artificial teeth.

These root replacements are made from titanium and are positioned into the patient’s jawbone. They are then topped with abutments before being completed with artificial teeth that are secure and stable.

Most people who have experienced tooth loss are good candidates for implants. However, the treatment does require a healthy jawbone and other factors are taken into consideration before the dentist gives the go ahead. The best way to find out about suitability is to make an appointment with us to discuss options.


Most people who have misaligned teeth would say that the fact that their teeth are crooked or protruding stops them from living their best life. They often feel nervous about talking to others and even smiling, and this can cause them to become socially isolated. Invisalign is a means of resolving these issues that is very effective.

This treatment is also known as clear or invisible braces, and therein lies one of its biggest advantages. Traditional style braces are impossible to hide, and this can cause the patient to be a little embarrassed, especially if they are having their teeth straightened later in life. Invisalign is not at all noticeable, which means that no one needs to know that the patient is wearing braces unless they choose to reveal that information.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the easiest ways to transform the smile. It can help the patient to look more attractive and youthful and is a relatively quick and easy process. There are two main ways to get professional whitening with us. The first option is to get fitted for tailored whitening trays that are filled with whitening solution and worn during the night for a few weeks. The second option is to get an in-surgery whitening treatment. This is ideal for the patient who is looking for rapid results in a short period of time.