How dental implants can help


Here at Warrendale Dental, we understand how devastating tooth loss can be and offer choice when it comes to resolving the issue. One of the most popular options for that is dental implants in Herefordshire. This is a guide to what implants, how they work and how they can help the patient.

What are implants?

Dental implants in Herefordshire are a way to fill the gaps where the roots of the missing teeth used to be. Made from titanium, which is a metal that works in tandem with human tissue to form a reliable replacement for tooth roots that can last for many years.

Dental implants in Herefordshire are placed into the jawbone and then left to heal for a few weeks. The healing time varies between patients, but in most cases, it is around 2 to 3 weeks. Once this period has been completed, the implants are given the addition of abutments which form a base for the artificial teeth.

How does treatment work?

Any patient who is considering getting implants should make an appointment with us. We can assess the condition of the mouth and in particular the health of the gums and jawbone. This helps us to decide if dental implants are the best option for replacing the missing teeth. If we recommend that the patient should get started with the treatment, then we will then schedule an appointment for inserting the implants.

The insertion does not hurt in any way, as we use a local anaesthetic before commencing treatment. This ensures that the mouth is completely numb, and the patient does not feel anything while we are fitting the implants.

During the healing period, the patient may find that they experience some discomfort. However, this is usually easy to resolve using over the counter painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.


One of the big advantages of having the teeth replaced using dental implants is that they give a completely natural look. They appear very much like the original teeth, so the patient does not need to worry about other people noticing that anything has changed.


Implants provide a base for the artificial teeth that is completely stable. This means that they do not move out of position when talking or laughing, and the patient can feel confident about enjoying life as much as they did before. This enjoyment can include eating whatever they like, as the stability of implants means that there are no restrictions regarding particularly hard or chewy foods.

No special care

There is no special care needed for the patient who has had their teeth replaced using implants. Once the healing period has passed and the treatment is complete, it is simply a case of looking after the teeth and gums as they normally would. This means brushing the teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing once per day.

Provided the teeth and gums are well cared for at home and the patient goes for regular check-ups as everyone is recommended to do, then the teeth replaced with implants can last for many years. In lots of cases, they can remain in place for the lifetime of the patient.