Missing out on the golden opportunities dental implants in Herefordshire could bring?

Wake up to the new age


Here at Warrendale Dental, we are thrilled to be at the forefront of a new age in cosmetic dentistry. As people are increasingly paying closer attention to the way that they look, it has caused a surge of new patients who are – for the first time – seeking out information on the possibilities that cosmetic dentistry could bring to them.

One of the most popular treatments of this nature, which has had a significant overall increase in engagement and awareness in, is dental implants in Herefordshire. Unlike most other forms of treatment to combat lost teeth, dental implants not only solve the problem on a superficial level, but also allow all the luxuries of having a whole set of natural teeth.

What are dental implants?

For those who are unaware, the dental implants in Hertfordshire which we offer here at Warrendale Dental, fill in the space which is left when a tooth has been lost by inserting an artificial tooth root directly into the jawbone of the patient. As such, it allows for a far more sturdy and longer-lasting implant to be inserted. Whilst the most common methods for replacing a lost or damaged tooth, such as crowns or dental bridges, work by sitting on the gums of the patient and filling in the missing space superficially, dental implants in Herefordshire go deeper, by directly bonding themselves within the bone tissue that is surrounding the lost tooth or teeth. As such, the procedure requires that patients have to undergo a brief dental operation.

As a proprietary measure here at Warrendale Dental, before any treatment or procedure is actually carried out, all patients must undergo a dental assessment to gauge how healthy their gums and teeth are. This is an essential part of any procedure, as it is our duty of care to ensure that each of our patients is dentally fit enough to proceed with treatments. If there are any signs of gingivitis – which is a common indicator that periodontal disease may be in development – then certain treatments, including dental implants, may not be carried out until the patient’s gums are healthy enough.

What does the procedure involve?

The initial stages of dental implant treatment from our team here at Warrendale Dental begin in the same manner as every treatment we provide – with a friendly consultation. This consultation allows us to inform the patient of their various treatment options, and construct an individualised treatment plan that is tailored to their needs. Thereafter follows the assessment of the patient’s underlying oral health, which – providing there are no clear indicators of anything which could impact the treatment – would be followed by the actual implant process.

This starts with a hole being surgically made, directly deep into the patient’s jawbone – within the gap where the implant is intended to go. Next, a titanium-alloy socket (or false tooth-root) is embedded deeply within this hole. The space is then sealed over and given time to heal. It is during this healing period that the titanium-alloy metal and the bone inside the patient’s jaw bond themselves together. The result of this fusion means that there is now an anchor-point that is permanently fused in place and onto which a new tooth can be attached. The new tooth will both look as well as feel completely identical to natural teeth and patients can begin enjoying their new, improved smile.