Finding the best tooth replacement solution for you with dental implants in Herefordshire

Did you know that a large percentage of people over 74 have suffered from significant tooth loss, with some people losing all their pearly whites?

As tragic and life-changing as this may be, there are tooth replacement devices geared toward missing teeth.

Dental Implants in HerefordshirePeople might know about dentures and bridges, but dental implants have grown popular in recent years. Why? Because as helpful as dentures and bridges are, they do have their shortcomings; shortcomings that provide obstacles to performing daily tasks.

After an extended period of wearing them, dentures stop fitting well and leave you in predicaments where the device slips inconveniently out of place, while to securely fit bridges might involve filing down neighbouring teeth, thus compromising their size, shape and height.

Dental implants are a better choice in that they provide the permanence of bridges while preserving the rest of your natural teeth.

Advantages to wearing dental implants in Herefordshire include eating what you like without worrying about sensitivities to hot, cold or hard food, talking without slurring your words as the result of an ill-fitting device and most important of all, possessing a tooth that looks and feels natural.

What are the requirements for getting dental implants in Herefordshire?

Potential candidates must be reasonably healthy, not receiving radiation therapy and have enough bone to insert the titanium screw, which is the new root that will hold your artificial crown in place.

Any potential health issues that might prevent your dental implant from taking root must be treated first before implant surgery can be considered. This includes gum inflammation, which is indicative of gingivitis or diseases that resulted in bone loss, like periodontitis. Suffering from uncontrolled diabetes can also impact your gums, so you will first have to manage your sugars before you are fit for dental implants.

Is there a chance of the implant surgery failing?

By treating problems like gum disease and insufficient bone before implant surgery, the risk of an implant failing is minimal, but it can still happen.

The body might reject the implant because of an allergy or when there is still not enough bone to support the implant even after a bone graft.

Signs of a failed implant might include the following:

  • Unusual swelling
  • Problems with chewing
  • Gum inflammation
  • Severe pain and discomfort.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, make an appointment with your dentist urgently.

Aftercare instructions

Not following your dentist’s instructions regarding aftercare and failing to look after your new tooth will land you in trouble.

While in recovery, stick to a soft food diet and avoid hard candy. Practice good oral hygiene during healing and afterwards, to keep your new teeth in good nick.

How do I take care of my new tooth

Stick to your usual cleaning routine: two to three minutes of brushing, followed by flossing and rinsing with mouthwash.

Follow up appointments are required to ensure that your implants remain in place.

Having dental implants in Herefordshire could really change your life for the better! Trust us – we can give you back your smile!