Do you know how to take care of your dental implants in Herefordshire?

Taking care of your dental implants is just as important as taking care of your natural teeth and the good news is that you do not need to change your daily routine drastically to ensure that your mouth remains healthy.

Dental Implants in HerefordshireAt Warrendale Dental Care, not only do we provide dental implants in Herefordshire, but we are also passionate about teaching our patients how to take good care of them. Dental implants are very strong and sturdy and can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. Some patients may not even need to replace them in their lifetime (though this will depend on a number of factors).

Build a thorough oral hygiene routine

The first step to ensuring that your dental implants remain healthy and disease-free is to design a thorough oral hygiene routine. Brushing and flossing twice a day will help remove bacteria and plaque, which can lead to peri-implantitis, an implant-related disease which is very similar to gum disease. If needed, you can use specially formulated interdental brushes to ensure that all food remains are safely removed from in-between your teeth or these areas in your mouth that are hard to reach with a regular toothbrush. Do not use hard-bristled toothbrushes or abrasive toothpaste, since they can destroy your replacement teeth.

Don’t neglect your regular dental visits

Shortly after your operation, you will need to visit the dentist regularly to ensure that your dental implants are fusing properly. However, dental implant patients will need to visit the dentist more frequently, even after the placement of their replacement teeth. Your dentist will look for signs of peri-implantitis or other infection and ensure that your dental implants in Herefordshire and strong and functional. Moreover, by performing regular deep cleanings they will ensure that your teeth will remain clean and plaque-free for longer.

Learn more about dental implants

If you wish to learn more about dental implants in Herefordshire and how they could improve your oral health and wellbeing, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our helpful team at Warrendale Dental will book an appointment for you at your earlier convenience.