Why dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth

Dental implants are the best long-term solution to tooth loss. Warrendale Dental Care in Herefordshire offers a number of implant-based solutions to missing teeth, whether you need one, some, or all of them replacing.

dental-implantsYou can’t replace a tooth root with a standard dental bridge or denture. As well as keeping your teeth functional, tooth roots also keep your jaw bone strong and healthy. When the jaw bone starts to shrink (as is so often the case after several or all of the natural teeth are lost from one jaw and the root portions are not replaced) your dentures will become loose, because changes in bone structure affect their fit.

Loose dentures cause a range of problems with eating, speaking, and self-esteem. At Warrendale Dental Care in Herefordshire, we can help you to avoid all of these issues with the help of dental implants. Instead, you will enjoy what is for all intents and purposes a second chance at a jaw full of healthy and functional adult teeth.

Herefordshire dental implants

Warrendale Dental Care is a trusted provider of dental implants in Herefordshire. These artificial tooth roots are placed in your jaw during minor oral surgery, and are left to heal for a few months. Your dentist may fit temporary teeth for the duration of the healing process.

After healing is complete, your dental implants will then be restored with either single crowns, a dental bridge, or an implant-retained denture. Whatever option best suits your needs, your Herefordshire dentist will ensure that your new teeth are very natural in appearance.

Their action will also be completely natural. Gone will be all the dietary restrictions imposed by loose dentures. Instead, you will be able to enjoy all the functionality of healthy teeth once more, meaning that you can eat whatever you choose, can smile, speak, and socialise with confidence.

Like natural teeth, dental implants and the teeth attached to them require good aftercare. You will need to attend regular follow-up appointments at our Herefordshire dental practice, and should visit our hygienist to learn how to properly clean and care for your implants and new teeth.