The Different Types of Dental Implants Available in Herefordshire

Cosmetic dentistry has become very popular over the years with more and more people turning to corrective surgery to amend their facial woes. One type of dental procedure that’s on the rise is the use of implants to fix various issues people are having with their teeth.

Dental Implants in HerefordshireFor those that are interested, here’s a quick rundown of what they are and the things you can expect to see should you decide to book an appointment at Warrendale Dental Care.

What are they?

You don’t need a degree in dental technology to understand what implants are, as it’s a fairly straightforward procedure. They are basically a prosthetic tooth that’s been fitted to a screw that’s been implanted into your jaw line. Over time the bone naturally heals over the site to give a rigid and more natural look to the inserted tooth.

The screws are normally made from titanium as it’s strong and the metal is sterile to aid in the healing of the treated area. It also means you won’t need multiple visits for dental implants in Herefordshire as the screws are durable enough to potentially last for years before any maintenance is required.

What are the different types?

When you come in for your appointment for dental implants in Herefordshire you will normally find that there will be two general options for implant procedures. The first is the endosteal, this is the most common type of dental fixtures and these are usually inserted into your jawbone and are made from titanium.

The other type of implantation route is with subperiosteal, which are put under your gums but not in, on or around your jawbone itself. This can be done for a number of reasons, the main being when a patient does not have enough healthy jawbone to graft to and reconstruction of the site is not an option.

What are the benefits?

For those that undergo this procedure there are a lot of benefits to be gained. The biggest of which is that it can boost your self-confidence if you had concerns about your appearance before treatment. Having an implant is also a great way to work around speech problems or difficulty with certain words that can happen with poorly fitted dentures.

Because of how durable the prosthetic is it will also last a relatively long time with the right amount of maintenance. Our recommendations for cleaning it is to brush it the same way you would any other teeth. Although, be careful when you’re flossing as you could potentially damage the prosthetic if you’re a little too invasive with the floss.

It’s becoming more socially acceptable to have dental prosthetics as they’re a great solution to the problems of chipped or damaged teeth as well as cover up any gaps you may have. So why miss out on the opportunity to improve your smile, ask your dentist about implants on your next appointment.