Taking care of dental implants Herefordshire


If you’ve finally decided to opt for dental implants Herefordshire, then you could well be wondering what you should be doing at home in order to make sure they’re really well taken care of. Dental implants Herefordshire are an investment, and for that reason, you’ll want to take good care of them. With that being said, let’s look at what you can be doing to ensure a long life for your dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Before we get started, let’s make sure we’re fully on board with what exactly dental implants Herefordshire are. A dental implant is a two-part system that can be fitted into the jawbone and for this reason they are as fully functional as a natural tooth. Implants are the only system currently available that can last a patient’s lifetime and encourage the natural regeneration of the jawbone.

Surgery aftercare

When looking at how to care for your implants, we want to get off to a good start. Dental implants will involve surgery, so making sure you follow aftercare advice will seriously serve you.

We recommend that you be aware of the foods you eat; certain items could be trickier to chew, such as toffee, hard bread (french stick) or hard fruits. You must eat foods that are easy to chew to make sure you don’t cause your dental implant to dislodge. We also recommend that you stay away from anything that can cause major temperature changes such as saunas, steam rooms or sun beds. Strenuous exercises or big movements should also be avoided; basically, a few duvet days could really serve you.

Moving forward

Once the implant site has completely healed, the big task is to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Good oral hygiene is often not really taken into account, and lots of patients we see think brushing twice a day is enough to maintain their teeth and gums. However, if you aren’t using the correct technique or brushing for long enough, you could be doing yourself a disservice in the long term. If you’re unclear on what a good brushing technique is, then feel free to ask us the next time you visit the practice or take a look at one of many videos online.

Flossing is something that is still massively neglected as a form of dental care. Despite ongoing advice that flossing is the key to good oral health, we see countless patients still neglecting their gums and avoiding flossing. Dental implants can fail, and it’s usually down to poor oral hygiene; just as with gum disease, a build-up of plaque and tartar will sit under the gums and cause bacteria to spread. Only floss thread can get in between the gum line, deep enough to remove bacteria and prevent your dental implants from failing.

If you would like to learn more about dental implants, feel free to get in contact with our team at Warrendale Dental, and one of our members will happily guide you through all your options.