Maintain a strong and healthy jaw with dental implants in Ross-on-Wye

You may think you can get away with not replacing your missing teeth, especially if you have only lost one or two molars at the back or side of your mouth where there’s less chance of other people spotting the gaps.

However, at Warrendale Dental, we know that just one missing tooth can have negative consequences for your other teeth, and your jaw bone.

dental-implants-in-Ross-on-WyeDental implants in Ross-on-Wye can repair the damage that comes from losing even one tooth. If a significant amount of time has passed since you lost a tooth, the density in your jaw bone will have started to reduce, your gums will have begun to recede, and your other teeth will have started to tip into the gap.

Although dentures can give you something to chew with, they cannot solve the other problems created by lost teeth because they sit over the gap, rather than filling it as dental implants in Ross-on-Wye do. After a while, dentures no longer fit so well, and can move in the mouth as well as irritate the gums.

Ross-on-Wye dental implants solve these problems by effectively replacing the root of the missing tooth. Dental implants are tiny titanium posts screwed into the jawbone by your dentist, after they have created a socket to put them into. This is a surgical procedure, usually done under local anaesthetic.

As the area around the implant heals, the bone tissue meshes with the dental implant, holding it as securely as a natural tooth root. This process takes up to six months, during which time you can wear your old dentures. Once the dental implants are secure, custom-made artificial teeth are screwed onto the dental implants. In Ross-on-Wye, we can replace one, two, several, or even all of your teeth. We use either single teeth, a bridge for several teeth, or dental implant-retained dentures for replacing all the teeth in either or both jaw bones.

In Ross-on-Wye, dental implants are put in place by our dentist, Dr Christopher Brown. During your initial assessment, Dr Brown will conduct a thorough examination, and may use x-rays and CT scans, so that he can create a treatment plan specific to your dental implant needs.