Don’t be afraid of dental implants in Herefordshire

People often fear the dentist, as the idea of someone prodding around in their mouth can be quite unsettling; it’s hardly a trip to the spa. And then there is the bigger, underlying fear of what the dentist will tell you, the three dreaded words: “you need treatment”.

Dental implants in Herefordshire can seem like the most scary treatment of them all. The idea of someone drilling through your jawbone can be terrifying, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Dental implants aren’t as scary as they seem, in fact, they can even be something to look forward too.

Dental Implants in HerefordshireTake a deep breath, and hear out the positives

Here at Warrendale Dental Care, we offer a caring and friendly environment to help make your trips to the dentist as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

If you are looking to fill the gaps in your smile caused by tooth loss, there are many reasons why dental implants in Herefordshire may be a great solution. Some of the benefits include:

  • preserving the surrounding teeth as the implant acts as the root of the tooth and doesn’t rely on the support of adjacent teeth
  • longevity as implants can last for 15 years or more
  • easy maintenance as implants can be cleaned in the same way as natural teeth
  • improved functionality as implants are so secure that you can eat all the foods you did before tooth loss
  • improved aesthetics as dental implants look natural and fill in the gaps caused by tooth loss.

What’s involved in the procedure?

These benefits may be all well and good, but your burning question is, does it hurt? Going for dental implants in Herefordshire isn’t as painful as it sounds. Obviously, everyone’s pain thresholds and circumstances vary, but we do our best to keep pain at a minimum.

During treatment we use a local anaesthetic to help numb the pain. Any discomfort experienced afterwards can be calmed by over-the-counter medication. If you are experiencing any nerves about treatment, don’t hesitate to let us know and we will do our best to put your mind at ease and can offer the option of sedation.