Dental implants Herefordshire: make smiles something to smile about!


Imagine if you could have a smile that looks natural and actually functions properly. When you have missing teeth, this may sound like a dream. It is often the case that replacement teeth options can loosen when talking or eating, and having to take them out at night is not what we would do with our natural teeth. However, at Warrendale Dental, there is a way that you can have a smile that looks natural and does indeed function like a natural one too. You will not need to remove your replacement teeth of crowns, bridges or dentures, and they should not loosen either, while you are getting on with your life as they are firmly fixed in place with dental implants Herefordshire. Our dentist is highly experienced in delivering this treatment and so you won’t need to be referred to another practice. You can stay with us, where you will be familiar with our friendly team, treatments and welcoming environment. In fact, we have treatments to suit the whole family at all stages of life for all sorts of issues, so you shouldn’t ever need to go anywhere else – we’d miss you, afterall!

What are dental implants and how do they work?

Dental implants are simply metal screws that hold your replacement teeth securely in position in your mouth. They achieve this because we place the screws into your jawbone and your body’s tissues heal around them, so that they shouldn’t be able to move at all. To these screws, we can then attach your replacement teeth. We use temporary replacement teeth with the dental implants, while your gums heal, and then you will need to come for a second appointment to have your permanent replacement teeth fitted.

Health benefits

Aside from having a natural looking smile, where replacement teeth are made to complement any remaining natural teeth you have, dental implants can also provide health benefits. If you have experienced speech difficulties, issues with chewing, or jaw pain, dental implants could resolve these problems for you. Also, by replacing missing teeth with dental implants Herefordshire, you are protecting the gums and any natural teeth, if you have any, from being overly-exposed to bacteria, which can lead to further dental problems if left untreated. And, if that isn’t enough, it may be worth us mentioning that dental implants could also make you look younger. Sometimes, when people have missing teeth, their faces can become drawn, but by replacing the missing teeth it gives the face the structure it needs to appear more youthful again. It certainly is an added bonus of getting your smile back!

Be in the know

If you would like to find out if dental implants are a suitable treatment for your specific needs, all you need to do is book in for an initial consultation with us at Warrendale Dental. We will be happy to discuss your concerns, examine your mouth and jaw, and we will then be able to explore the treatment options with you. We will take the time to explain everything fully and you can fire away with any questions you have, so that you can decide upon the treatment that you would like to go for, although there is no obligation, of course! If you are eligible for dental implants and decide to have this treatment, you could have a beautiful and naturally functioning smile in just a couple of treatments’ time – that’s worth smiling about!