Dealing with missing teeth: complications and solutions with dental implants


When providing dental implants Herefordshire, we at Warrendale Dental often see patients who are coping with the complications of missing teeth. Whether it’s a single tooth that was lost due to injury or decay, or multiple teeth that have been missing for years, the consequences of not replacing these teeth can be significant.

To begin with, missing teeth can impact your appearance and self-confidence. A smile is often the first thing that people notice about you, and having missing teeth can make you feel self-conscious or even embarrassed about smiling. In addition, missing teeth can cause problems with your bite, making it difficult to chew and speak properly.

But the consequences of missing teeth go beyond just aesthetics and functionality. When you lose a tooth, the bone in your jaw that once supported that tooth begins to deteriorate. This can lead to a loss of bone density in the jaw, which can make it more difficult to place oral implants or support dentures in the future.

In addition, missing teeth can cause your remaining teeth to shift and move out of their proper alignment. This can lead to a host of additional dental problems, including tooth decay spiralling into gum disease, and even TMJ disorders.

The options for replacing missing teeth

So, what can be done by our dentist about missing teeth? Fortunately, there are several options available for replacing missing teeth and addressing the complications that come with them.

One option is to have dental implants Herefordshire, titanium posts that are surgically placed in the jawbone to replace the roots of missing teeth. Oral implants are a permanent solution that can restore both the appearance and function of missing teeth. They also help to preserve the integrity of the jawbone, preventing the deterioration that can occur with missing teeth.

Another option is a dental bridge, which is a custom-made restoration that spans the gap left by missing teeth. A dental bridge is supported by the teeth on either side of the gap and can be a good option for patients who are not candidates for oral implants.

Finally, dentures are a removable option for replacing missing teeth. Dentures can be full or partial, depending on the number of missing teeth, and are made to fit snugly over the gums. While they can be a more affordable option, dentures do require more maintenance and may not be as stable or comfortable as oral implants or bridges.

Choosing the right solution for you

At our dental clinic, we understand that each patient’s needs are unique when it comes to replacing missing teeth. That’s why we offer a range of options and work with every patient to determine the best solution for their specific situation.

Whether you’re considering dental implants Herefordshire, a dental bridge, or dentures, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us to discuss your options and determine the best course of action. Don’t let missing teeth hold you back – call us today to find out more and see if we can help you regain your smile and your confidence.