A stable solution to the problems of tooth loss

Losing your teeth has consequences for your oral health as well as your appearance. In Herefordshire, dental implants are a way to regain the stability and function you’ve been missing after losing one or more teeth. Their longevity and functionality make them a popular solution. Whether you’ve lost a single tooth while playing sports, or a whole set of teeth due to years of decay, this contemporary treatment will provide great-looking replacement teeth. At Warrendale Dental, we have years of experience in this modern method of dental enhancement.

Dental Implants in HerefordshireThe stages of dental implants in Herefordshire

The first part of your treatment is an in-depth conversation at our dental practice in Herefordshire. Dental implants require good oral health and sufficient jawbone density. We might need to do some preliminary oral hygiene work before you’re ready for the next step.

Then you’ll have the implants – small titanium posts – placed into your jawbone during a minor surgical procedure. After a bit of a rest, you’ll return to our practice to have the new teeth securely attached to the posts.

Improved oral health

You’ll notice several oral health improvements after receiving dental implants in Herefordshire:

  • Because the jawbone forms a strong bond with the implanted metal, your new teeth are securely anchored. You’ll enjoy biting into your food like you did with your natural teeth;
  • The new teeth are easy to keep clean: you brush them just the same as the ones that remain. There are no adhesives or clips to fiddle with;
  • The implants ensure your facial bone structure retains its integrity. You won’t develop the sunken look that can start to creep in if you don’t replace lost teeth;
  • Your smile will have more aesthetic appeal;
  • Your speech might be more fluent, because the stability of the implants makes certain words easier to pronounce.

A better experience

It might take several months for you to receive your dental implants in Herefordshire. The oral health advantages will continue for many years afterwards. As long as you look after them properly, in fact, your implants can last for decades. Having dental implants in Herefordshire can significantly improve your overall life experience.