A look into why dental implants are such a great choice

Patients on a missing teeth replacement plan have been given a boost with the availability of dental implants Herefordshire. These dental devices are a great choice for patients as their plus points are many and cover a diverse array of challenges experienced by patients.


We take a look at some of the huge advantages of dental implants Herefordshire available at Warrendale Dental.

Huge rewards of choosing dental implants Herefordshire

Before understanding why tooth replacement implants make such a great choice when looking to replace a missing tooth or restore full dental function by replacing a number of teeth, it is useful for a patient to appreciate the design of this remarkable dental device.

The device’s design is astonishingly simple: a metal screw-like rod (titanium is often the metal of choice) is implanted into the jawbone through a surgical procedure.

The second part to the design is the dental crown which is placed above the rod and visible above the gum line. While the metal screw acts as an anchor, it takes the function of a natural tooth root. The dental crown provides the masticatory function – that of biting and grinding food for digestion.

Other missing teeth replacement options focus on mainly masticatory function. It is the dental implant that offers the total package: masticatory function and confident eating, speaking and smiling.

Here are some other advantages that back tooth implants as a suitable option:

Secure fit

The secureness of the tooth implant is allowed for by the surgical insertion of the implant into the jawbone. This secure fit is critical to ensure that the device is stable and does not move out of place.

Aesthetic value

As is the case with orthodontic appliances, patients seek options that are barely noticeable – they look for dental options that provide aesthetic value. In the case of artificial teeth, tooth implants resemble the look of natural adult teeth. No one else (except for maybe, dental practitioners) can tell whether a person has received implants or not.


Tooth implant treatment plans accommodate a variety of teeth replacement needs. These plans are personalised so that the patient gets the full benefits of the treatment.

On first examinations, it is common for a patient’s current dental situation to present a number of challenges before they can begin their tooth implant treatment plan. Every professional dental practitioner will need to be sure of complete dental health before proceeding with implantation. It is mandatory for decaying teeth, gum infections and diseases to be treated first or else implantation will not be effective. If bone quality poses a problem, this can be corrected with interventions such as bone grafts to improve jawbone integrity.

The continued success of implantation is heavily reliant on the steps a patient takes post-procedure. These entail scrupulously cleaning the mouth to protect teeth and gum health and keeping to scheduled dental checkups.

If you meet all the requirements for dental implant treatments, then please book a consultation with our dentist at Warrendale Dental to find out more.