Three common questions about dental implants in Herefordshire

Communication with your dentist is vital for you to have a positive experience with any dental treatment. This is particularly the case if you are having an extensive procedure like dental implants. The team at Warrendale Dental are standing by to answer any questions you might have about getting dental implants in Herefordshire with us.

There are some questions that we hear a lot. There are some answers you can only get by visiting our clinic as the response will be different for different circumstances. Warrendale Dental can give you specific answers after you have a consultation with us for dental implants in Herefordshire. However, some general information is detailed below.

Dental Implants in HerefordshireWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants are small, screw shaped posts that fit into your jawbone. These are used to support prosthetic teeth. A dental implant can support one tooth or multiple teeth on a bridge or denture. If you want to see what a dental implant looks like, you can always ask us at Warrendale Dental. They are usually made from titanium which is a bio-compatible material that helps the jawbone bond with the implant.

Can I get dental implants?

Many patients are suitable for dental implants. We check that you have the right conditions in your mouth at your first appointment with us. Even if there is currently an issue that prevents you from getting dental implants, there are lots of solutions that we can work with to ensure you get your teeth replaced.

For example, if you do not have the required jawbone density to support dental implants, we might be able to build up the area using a bone graft. This is where bone is taken from an external source – either from elsewhere in your body, a donor or an animal source – and added to your jawbone. The existing bone should bond with the grafted material to create a stable surface for dental implants.

How do I use dental implants?

One of the great benefits of dental implants is that they can be used just like normal teeth. They have a similar grip and bite pressure so they can be used to chew and eat food without any special techniques or preparation.