Tell me more about dental implants

So you need a replacement tooth, or a number of teeth? There are a few options to think over: bridges, dentures, prosthetics etc. By all means, do your research. It’s always great to understand all options before you go down the road of tooth replacement. For the majority of patients in need of replacement teeth in Herefordshire, dental implants are realistically the right choice. Implants feel, look and behave just like your natural teeth. Dental implants mean no fuss, no annoying cleaning regimes, there’s no need to take them out or squeeze tubes of glue to stick them in again. Simply brush and floss diligently, just as you would with your original teeth. dental-implants

Why are dental implants such a good choice?

In Herefordshire, dental implants are put into channels drilled into your jawbone, with which they fused to give fantastic stability and a natural feel when compared to other tooth replacement methods. No need to endure the embarrassment, pain and discomfort of removable dentures. What’s more, with regular maintenance and proper care, the risk of dental implant failure is extremely low.

What are dental implants made of?

They are made of a miraculous metal that bonds with your bone. Titanium. Titanium is the go-to material for many surgical implants because your body sees it as living natural tissue. Your blood vessels and bone tissue will actually grow around it to secure the implant in place.

What kind of implants are there?

Many. A single titanium implant post can support one crown, or up to three replacement teeth. In fact, a whole row of teeth can fit onto between 2-4 implants.

How will I need to care for them?

Dental implants function just like your natural teeth and you need to care for them as such. Bacteria can still affect the gums around your implants just as with your natural teeth. This would cause your implant to fail. The key to maintaining healthy, long-lasting implants is to brush and floss regularly and thoroughly.

If you would like more information, advice on your options or any other information about dental implants in Herefordshire, we can help you. Call us today to book a consultation.